Volunteer Descriptions

The Lane PTO has many volunteers that work to enhance our students learning, help fundraise, and build our community. There are many ways to contribute to the success of The Lane School - whether you want to volunteer on a regular basis or help with a one-time event. Please see our available volunteer opportunities for the 2024-2025 school year below and keep checking back as we add more!



PTO Committee Descriptions    

Marla's Fun










Fun Lunch is available to students every Wednesday and the last Friday of the month. Volunteers please check in with the front office at 10:45 am and plan to help until 12:15 pm on the day of your shift.


Parent volunteers will first organize lunch orders by grade and class. They then deliver the lunches to students during the two lunch periods. Don't worry if you're a new volunteer for Fun Lunch... There will be a chairperson volunteer to help each day! We kindly ask that you only signup for 2 shifts for fall and 2 for spring. 


Room Parent












Each classroom will have two room parent volunteers. As the room parent for your class, we ask that you assist with the following: 

  • Serve as a liaison between class parents and the teacher.
  • Promote PTO events throughout the year by emailing the classroom parents as needed.
  • Coordinate monetary donations from class parents to recognize teachers via a gift card website.
  • Plan and attend 1 class party (Halloween 10/31/24 or Winter Celebration 12/20/24) with party planner volunteers.
  • Plan 1 parent/classroom social event outside of the classroom, such as a class get-together, playdate, or parent meet-up. 

Book Fair










The committee will assist the Book Fair in the set-up of the books, volunteering time during the fair, utilizing software for check out, and helping with takedown/clean-up.


Chairperson: Serve as committee chairperson for both Fall & Spring Book Fairs. Coordinate The Lane Book Fair with Anderson Books and the school librarian, organize volunteers, set up and take down books, volunteer during the fair, utilize software for check out, and connect with the PTO Treasurer before and after the book fair.              


Kids Care Club









This is a fun and rewarding club that helps our community through service projects.  This committee will plan and execute one or more service projects each quarter for students. Projects can include after school activities or weekend events.


Chairperson: Plan and execute one or more service projects each quarter for students. Projects can include after school activities or weekend events.


Library Volunteers







Assist with shelving and organizing books, paper cutting, laminating, and ordering books. Volunteer shifts are one hour a week, twice a month. Shifts range from morning (8:45-9:45) to afternoon (12:30-1:30, 2:00-3:00).


Chairperson: Work with the school librarian to determine needs, then coordinate weekly volunteers for the library.  


Garden Club












The Garden Club beautifies our school grounds by planning and executing one or more projects a quarter. Projects can involve students and parents in helping clean, plant, maintain, and having new ideas come to life.


Chairperson: The chairperson will help beautify our school grounds by planning and executing one or more projects a quarter. Projects can involve students and parents in helping clean, plant, maintain, and have new ideas come to life. They must work with the PTO Treasurer on budgeting and communicate with the club volunteers to execute projects.


Fifth Grade



















DARE Program 

Chairperson: Will work with the Hinsdale Police Department to organize the D.A.R.E. program and order the t-shirts for 5th Graders.     


Graduation Events        

Plan and execute several end-of-year events celebrating 5th Grade Graduation. Including a Social Event and Service Project in the winter or spring. A Graduation Party for the last day of school. Helping with the graduation ceremony by decorating, creating programs, and a class slideshow. And ordering and distributing graduation yard signs.           


School Store    

Plan and execute the 5th-grade store in the late Fall, Winter, and Spring. Order inventory, help with store set up, and work with students to count money collected. Enlist the help of parents and student volunteers to run the store each week.


Teacher/Staff Appreciation Committee




















National Staff Appreciation Days          

Plan and organize gifts for the various appreciation days throughout the school year (i.e. National Administrative Assistant Day, National Librarian Day, etc...) Work with the PTO Treasurer for budget and create meaningful staff gifts.  


Parent/Teacher Conference Dinner      

Plan order & organize dinner for Lane school teachers during parent/teacher conference week. Dinner will be served on November 25th.    


National Teacher Appreciation Week   

Plan and execute a memorable National Teacher Appreciation Week (May 5-9) for The Lane School Teachers and Staff.


Stock the Breakroom   

Plan and purchase Break Room snacks and drinks for the teachers and staff for your assigned month. Coordinate with the school administrative assistant to decorate and set up. Several families can coordinate efforts to Stock the Breakroom each month. Only one family needs to sign up as a volunteer.