Notes from the Nurse

When Your Child is Sick

To decrease the transmission of illness at school, it is important that a child be fever- free for at least 24 hours (without the use of a fever-reducing medication) before returning to school. When a child is kept at home until he/she is fever-free for 24 hours, it decreases the risk of other children becoming ill. Additionally, a child with a gastrointestinal illness that includes vomiting should stay at home for 24 hours after the vomiting has stopped and the child is able to retain fluids and food.

When calling the school to report your child’s absence, please communicate the following information:

  • Does your child have an Influenza-like Illness (ILI) defined as fever (100 ̊F or greater) and a cough and/or sore throat in the absence of a KNOWN cause other than influenza?
  • Does your child have other reasons for being absent today?
  • Whenever possible, please communicate symptoms that your child is experiencing to help us track clusters of illness.
  • While regular school attendance is a key element to learning, children that are healthy
    and feeling well are better learners.

More Notes from the Nurse

Influenza Info

Head Lice Info

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