Getting to School



Many parents and students walk and bike to The Lane, alleviating congestion and reinforcing our green initiative. Crossing guards are stationed at key intersections including The Lane and Elm.


Children in grades 3, 4 and 5 may ride their bicycles to school after having participated in a Bike Rodeo (promoting bike safety) which will be held in early September. Wear those helmets! Students must also lock their bikes once they are on school grounds.


Scooters, Skateboards and Pets

Scooters and skateboards should not be on school property during school hours. This applies to preschool age siblings as well. Due to health and safety concerns, pets should not be brought into school or on school grounds before, during, or after school. In addition, dogs should not be walked on school grounds at any time when students are present.


The drop-off and pick-up line is located in front of the school. Children should be dropped off and picked up in front of the school property along the white painted curb area ONLY.





DROP-OFF: Drive up, drop off and depart immediately. Do not wait for the bell.
PICK UP: Line up, move up, pick up and depart immediately.
NO PARKING anywhere on Elm St. during morning, lunch and afternoon pick up and drop off periods.


DO NOT leave your car for any reason. Stay in it. Move on!
DO NOT park in the bus lane.
CELL PHONE use while in the drop off and pick up line is PROHIBITED.
INFORM grandparents and all caregivers of these procedures. They are responsible to know them.
DO NOT turn left from Minneola to cut into the carpool line.
DO NOT block or make u-turns in the teachers’ parking lot.
DO NOT double park. Children should not jump into the vehicle in the middle of the street. This is unlawful.